Kreditech, which uses big data to create a live credit score for micro-loans, was compromised last November after hackers posted the personal and financial records of thousands users . Though deemed an "isolated" incident by the company, the breach highlights the growing concern around security when firms are collecting, storing and managing so much of our personal information.
A spokesperson for Kreditech confirmed the breach, which she called an “isolated internal security incident,” and said that it only affected applicants. “There is no access to any customer data,” Kreditech head of communications Anna Friedrich said. “This incident stemmed from a form on our website that was stored data in a caching system that deleted data every few days. What happened was that a subset of application data was affected. We are collaborating with the police, but unfortunately there is no more further information that I have to share.” Friedrich added that Kreditech believes the data was leaked by an insider at the company, but didn’t say whether the suspect was a current or former employee.