News by FinTech Collective

News by FinTech Collective

News by FinTech Collective Archive

A Gift Card Startup Just Raised $56 Million at a Nearly $1 Billion Valuation

Great news for our portfolio company Slide. This is a real validation that you can still build billion dollar businesses in prepaid.

A billion-dollar valuation for a gift card company? To explain why that’s not batshit crazy, NEA General Partner Tony Florence said the...…

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Taulia Adds Yet Another $15 Million For Its Supplier Financing And E-Invoicing Platform

Less than six months after a $40M raise, Taulia the supply chain finance company have taken on another $15M from Zouk Capital.

The company provides a platform that simplifies the process of tracking invoicing and payments made to suppliers. In addition to...…

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Uber opens up its data

Uber doing good? Maybe? Pretty interesting view into the potential power of the data the Uber team are collecting as we zip from A to B.

The data will provide new insights to help manage urban growth, relieve traffic congestion, expand public transportation, and reduce...…

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