How is it that stocks can continuously break through to new heights daily while the country at large seemingly to new depths? On his Reformed Broker blog, Josh Brown has an exceptional post about the new American Gods---Google, Apple, Netflix, Amazon, Visa, and Salesforce to name a few---who have large moats around their businesses and have earned the trust and devotion of millions of customers, shareholders, and employees. All this while our traditional institutions and political figures continue to fall further into obscurity.
There are likes to like and pages to page-view. Swipes to swipe. Items to be ordered and thought-leaders to be thought-followed. We’ve got our own temples, up in The Cloud, to be decorated with selfies and festooned with a million paeans to ourselves, our personal brands and our experiences. Our chauffeured chariots to be summoned, literally, on-demand. The app as finger-snap. People are favoriting us as we sleep. At least, they’d better be. Google is doing the work that priests and rabbis used to do. It has answers. Curious children are learning to consult with Alexa and Siri in kindergarten. And our New Gods have found a way to extract tribute from each and every one of these activities. We’re carrying their altars in our pockets.