A hacker exploited a flaw in Parity, a multi-signature Ethereum wallet, and stole $31m worth of Ether. Astoundingly, a group of benevolent hackers intervened by stealing the remaining $150m, and then returning the funds to their owners once the wallet's vulnerability was corrected.
By exploiting the same vulnerability, the white-hats hacked all of the remaining at-risk wallets and drained their accounts, effectively preventing the attacker from reaching any of the remaining $150,000,000. Yes, you read that right. To prevent the hacker from robbing any more banks, the white-hats wrote software to rob all of the remaining banks in the world. Once the money was safely stolen, they began the process of returning the funds to their respective account holders. The people who had their money saved by this heroic feat are now in the process of retrieving their funds. It’s an extraordinary story, and it has significant implications for the world of cryptocurrencies