The city, under the leadership of Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has invested $600m a year to expand its smart city initiatives, boasts 100 one-way cryptocurrency ATMs, and has a business and citizen FinTech adoption rate of 35% (compared to NYC at 33.1%, according to EY).
Central to transforming Moscow into a smart city are its citizen engagement platforms. The Moscow online portal features three key services that residents can use to engage and communicate with their government. The first is Our City, an online complaints system that’s accessible either through the web or the mobile app. Citizens can send complaints if they notice anything awry in their community. The second is Active Citizen. Through the web and mobile app, citizens are empowered to vote on city development matters such as proposed public transport routes, new speed limits, and even developments such as new parks. The third is Crowd, a crowdsourcing platform on which citizens can propose ideas.