TechCrunch has released it's Matrix U.S. FinTech Index, a market-cap weighted index that tracks the returns of the 10 largest public fintech companies. In 2017, the index gained 89%, handily beating the 10 largest incumbents (29% return)
Meanwhile, the fintech takeover has just begun — financial services in recent years has been 7-9 percent of U.S. GDP (i.e. trillions of dollars). In the decade to come, we will see the Matrix FinTech Index continue to climb to new heights as the existing fintechs surge in value and as we add many more fintechs to the Index. In fact, the nearly 100 percent growth we’ve seen in the last year is the bottom end of the hockey-stick, just hitting the inflection point. By 2027, as we accelerate up the hockey stick, every aspect of financial services, from payments to lending to investing, will be dominated by fintechs.