Telegram is reportedly seeking to raise perhaps the largest ICO to date, with as much as $500m worth of tokens being sold in the pre-ICO sale. The total supply of tokens could be valued from $3b to $5b. The company aspires to launch an entirely new blockchain platform, with initial adoption amongst using its 180m users.
Sources say Durov has decided to combine both a centralized and decentralized infrastructure, since a totally decentralized network doesn’t scale as fast as one which has some elements of centralization, hence why Telegram needs to own its own blockchain. Moving to a decentralized blockchain platform could kill two birds with one stone for Telegram. As well as creating a full-blown cryptocurrency economy inside the app, it would also insulate it against the attacks and accusations of nation-states such as Iran, where it now accounts for 40% of Iran’s internet traffic but was temporarily blocked amongst nationwide protests against the government.