After numerous employees inquiries, the CFTC has recently told their employees that it is kosher for them to invest in cyrptocurrencies as long as they are not on margin and are not trading on info gleaned from their jobs. The move echoes that by the SEC which also allows employee trading, but only prohibits ICO investment until 7 days after the offering. Critics say the move can lead to lax oversight, and should focus on regulating and not profiting!
“In this environment, the situation is ripe for the public to question the personal ethics of employees engaging in cryptocurrency transactions,” Davis wrote. “Please keep in mind that you must endeavor to avoid any actions creating the appearance that you are violating the law or government and commission ethical standards.” SEC’s PoliciesThe Securities and Exchange Commission also allows its workers to invest in digital currencies, with some exceptions similar to the CFTC. However, the SEC has less responsibility for overseeing the crypto markets.