Maureen Teyssier is the Director of Data Science and Data Engineering at portfolio company Reonomy, and her previous work as an astrophysicist has helped her direct the analysis of Reonomy's troves of property data. Both astrophysics and commercial real estate require the analysis of massive amounts of data, so Reonomy's clients are relieved to know that people like Maureen are there to help handle this for them.
Teyssier points out that both astrophysics and commercial real estate now require utilizing massive amounts of data. She has analyzed interactions with dark matter, gas and stars, researched new particle types found in black holes, and worked on one of the world’s most accurate cosmological simulations of the Milky Way. She ties this all to real estate by underscoring it’s all about understanding space. “Commercial real estate is a smaller scale. But it’s the surface of the Earth, then understanding the effect on the market, different trends, changing situations and data.” And both involve getting a grasp on big data. Really, really big data.