Among other passages, Bolsonaro vetoed the possibility of using fintechs in the payment of R$ 600 emergency aid. The veto can still be overturned by Congress.
According to the president, the proposal related to fintechs created expenses for the federal government without indicating a source of funds in return. He also said that Congress has not demonstrated what the proposal's impact on the budget is. With the veto, only public banks are authorized to operate emergency aid. They are still unable to hire fintechs to help distribute the funds. Caixa is currently responsible for paying the R $ 600 (or R $ 1,200, if the aid is for a mother who is head of the family). President Bolsonaro's veto can still be overturned by the vote by Congress. Caixa has been opening digital savings to beneficiaries of emergency aid, but the system showed instability, especially in the first weeks of payment. In addition, there were queues and agglomerations at Caixa and lottery branches to withdraw the money. The Brazilian Association of Fintechs (ABFintechs) criticized the presidential veto. The organization stated that the Congressional proposal would not bring mandatory expenditure to the government and that "social costs and the health of the population are a priority at this time". "Transaction costs would be borne by fintechs, and transfers of funds to digital accounts would follow the same line, exempt from fees established for traditional financial institutions," said ABFintechs.