The on-demand payment company DailyPay is working with PNC Bank and The Clearing House to offer real-time employee payments of earned income over the RTP network.
The solution gives users “power of choice and control” over their earned income and provides instant delivery, along with receipts to the sender confirming delivery, according to the news release. It added that a key function of real-time payments for DailyPay users is the ability to get wages instantly without disrupting an employer’s payroll process. Founded in 2015, DailyPay says its mission is to help workers who deal with financial insecurity in part because their biweekly pay schedules don’t line up with the times when they need money. “The convergence of mobile technology and digital commerce is leading to real-time payment innovation around the world, which is even more critical as businesses reopen in the wake of the pandemic,” the companies said in the news release. “As digital commerce has grown, there has been a renewed focus on financial inclusion and the challenges facing workers who live paycheck to paycheck.”