FREE, no strings attached full credit reports are now available via Credit Karma. The Company has partnered with TransUnion to provide customers with free credit reports that are refreshed weekly without hurting anyone's credit score.
Over the years, consumers have been burned by websites offering “free” credit reports which had more than a few strings attached. After signing up for their free report, these misleading sites would then begin billing the unsuspecting users on a monthly basis after their trial periods ended. That’s why it’s been refreshing to use Credit Karma, a service which offers free credit monitoring and free credit scores that are actually free, not free*. I’ve been a somewhat obsessed user of the Credit Karma iOS app in recent months, now that I have a near-term goal of applying for a new mortgage. I’ve been working to clean up the old, negative items on my credit report, and it’s a little thrill to log in to the app to see the score increase as these changes are made. Credit Karma, through a partnership with TransUnion and VantageScore (a scoring system for all three credit agencies) has been providing users like myself with updated credit scores on a weekly basis for some time.