Next year Syndey will open a new fintech co-working space, which will be modeled off of London's Level 39. A consortium comprising representatives of the fintech start-up community, the Committee for Sydney, the office of NSW Premier Mike Baird, banks and advisers has been established to create the hub.
A physical fintech hub will be built in Sydney in the first half of next year, providing a venue in the CBD for technology start-ups, venture capitalists and established banks to collaborate and grow the fledgling industry. A request for proposal has been sent to some of Australia’s largest property groups to provide office space for the hub; their responses are due by mid-December. A location will be selected by the end of the year, with construction to begin early in the new year. The hub should be up and running by April. A consortium comprising representatives of the fintech start-up community, the Committee for Sydney, the office of NSW Premier Mike Baird, banks and advisers has been established to create the hub, which will be modelled on Level39 in London.