Openfolio has found from their 20,000 users that the investment performance and strategy of Teachers makes them great investors. Last year the average investor was up 7.6% while teachers were up 10.2%.
When investing app Openfolio was combing through data from 20,000 of its users, one trend in particular jumped out: Teachers were doing really, really well. In fact, educators and education administrators at every level of schooling outperformed 80% of all investors over the course of a year, including investors in the tech and finance industries and in government. Over the course of a year ending in February 2015, Openfolio found that the average investor was up 7.6% ... while on average, teachers had gained 10.2%. Investors in the technology industry were the next-highest at 8.3%, investors working in finance trailed with 6.9%, and government workers came in last, with 3.4%.