Apple Pay must clear regulatory hurdles before entering the China market, but the company is very late to the payments game with Alibaba and Tencent well entrenched. There’s already a clear leader in mobile payments in China - Alipay (Alibaba’s mobile payment system).
While Apple is slowly gaining more of the smartphone marketshare in China, it’s still very much an Android-dominated market. Putcha said this may also be a deterrent for Apple being able to gain more of the mobile payment market share. According to stats from Beijing-based firm iResearch Global Inc., Alipay accounted for 82.3 percent of China’s mobile payment market in 2014. Tenpay accounted for 10.6 percent, and the rest is split between about eight others that make up a sliver of the mobile payments. Apple Pay would also have to compete against Tencent’s WeChat, a social messaging app that enables mobile payments. offering an iPhone trade-in program in China similar to what it has done in the U.S. Getting more iPhone 6 users would help put the Apple Pay capability into users’ hands...