TechCrunch provides a great article highlighting the regulations that fintech startups have to carefully navigate. These regs. relate to lending laws, securities regulation and broker dealer and investment adviser licensing requirements. Many of the opportunities for these startups have been created as a result of regulations that restricted the incumbents from competing.
Innovation, growth, technology, user experience, revenue and gross margin have become synonymous with how you define success for a tech startup. What is missing from this list is local, state, and federal regulation; terms that startups in the financial technology sector understand far too well as either barriers to or catalysts for growth and early success. Regulation is one of the most significant hurdles for fintech companies to overcome... Yet despite these regulatory hurdles and barriers, fintech pioneers like LendingClub, Motif Investing, Betterment and CircleUp are making it possible to get a loan in hours, invest your money seamlessly with low or no fees and access investments based on ideas and common sense themes rather than ambiguous stock quotes.