Over 100 companies presented over two days at this years Y Combinator Demo day. The number of fintech companies continued to grow. For a full summary of all the companies read TechCrunch's run down of Day 1 and Day 2.
Hardware took the spotlight at today’s Y Combinator Demo Day, reflecting a major shift of the accelerator beyond the cliche mobile app startup. Out of the 50 companies from the Summer 2015 batch that demoed on the record today, 20 featured hardware. What was formally the Demo Day lunchroom has become an expo hall for all manners of robots and gadgets. We explore this shift in our post “Y Combinator Gets Hardcore About Hardware” Tomorrow, another 50 or so startups will present. Here are our picks for the “Top 9 Startups From Y Combinator Summer 2015 Demo Day 1” But for a full roundup, here’s a look at all 50 that strutted the stage today: