News by FinTech Collective

News by FinTech Collective

News by FinTech Collective Archive

LemFi raises $53m in Series B funding

London based financial services platform for immigrants raised $53m in Series B funding led by Highland Europe.

“Fraud can significantly drive up costs. Higher costs often mean passing them on to customers through additional fees. We’ve managed to...…

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Comun raises $4.5m in new funding

New York based neobank for Latino immigrants raised $4.5m in funding led by Costanoa Ventures.

“Our mission is to bring back local banking to immigrants in the U.S.”

Ellis raises $6m in Seed funding

New York based neobank focused on students moving to the U.S. raised a $6m in Seed funding led by Kindred Ventures.

“what many fail to realize is that college campuses are the modern day Ellis Islands for high-skilled immigrants and entrepreneurs in the...…

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