The Alphaville team give eToro some heat for their most recent advertisement on Mumsnet, the UK parenting website.
You have to hand it to them -- this company has its fingers in all the puff (pastry) pies. But back to the numbers. So 43 per cent are invested or would consider investing. Um, why are we lumping those very different things together? Could we be being a tiny bit misleading again? That chart also appears to indicate that 42 per cent of female crypto investors are motivated by the idea of saving for their children's future. Apparently not! eToro told us, by email, that we'd "misunderstood". This figure referred to female investors generally, not just crypto investors. Our bad. Or maybe the way that's presented is a little misleading? Shout-out to the Beeb's Rory Cellan-Jones for drawing our attention to the puffery, via Twitter. He got the following response from Mumsnet: