The former Goldman Sachs partner and hedge fund manager sits down with Bloomberg to chronicle the wild ride of the last 18 months in cryptocurrency. Unsurprisingly, Novo is still undeterred by the drop.
Back when Bitcoin was on its way toward $20,000, there was a sense of inevitability about crypto. Is there still that sense? #lazy-img-333125479:before{padding-top:44.53333333333333%;} That was a drug, and I don’t say that lightly. When you’re in the speculative mania, testosterone is boiling over and there’s a lot of greed. The audience is more sober now—the drug is gone. If anything we’re on the other side, at the stage where there’s the pessimism, and the fear, and the “Oh my God, it’s going to zero.” But it’s not going to zero. We’re at the methadone clinic.