Mr. Del Rey at Re/Code gets the scoop again.. Iain Kennedy, a six-year veteran of Amazon who ran a set of payment related products there has turned up at Microsoft. Will be interesting to see what MSFT can do with his skills.
At Amazon, Kennedy most recently oversaw the product management team that was working on a new set of payments-related products for consumers. One of them is a new digital wallet app for smartphones that lets people store gift card and loyalty card information and use it at participating stores. The team is also said to be working on a new digital money-transfer service, after the company announced earlier this month that it would be retiring its old WebPay product that no one used. And according to a job listing that Amazon exec Charlie Kindel has been tweeting out, the group Kennedy was managing is also working on a secret “set of related, undisclosed, products which will delight billions of customers as they buy and sell things in the real world (as opposed to online).”