Will this be a replay of the trick Apple played on the music industry? Bring 'em in close and then slaughter them!! Apple will apparently earn 15 cents on a $100 purchase.. Economics Google didn't manage to achieve with their wallet.
ast forward 13 years and Apple is again looking to revolutionise an industry with Jobs’ successor Tim Cook revealing this week its entry into the finance sector with Apple Pay. Payments, he said in language reminiscent of Jobs’ original comments, is a “huge business”, with $12bn worth of daily transactions in the US alone, restricted to using an “antiquated” card swipe system. The banks, technology companies and retailers that have “dreamed of replacing” the wallet with the smartphone have “all failed”, he declared. It was an iPod moment for cash and credit cards. Analysts believe that Apple’s popularity and market share might allow it to do what so many others – among them Google – have struggled to achieve.