There are a host of companies attempting to make settling your bill at a restaurant ‘waiter-free’. These include PayPal, with its ‘Pay At Table‘ service, along with upstarts such as Dash, Tabbedout, and Cover (all US based), the UK’s Flypay, and Tel Aviv-based MyCheck. This month Settle from the Ukraine joined the race with $1.5M from Life.SREDA
Meanwhile, restaurants using Settle are provided with tablets and an accompanying app to view customer and billing information, including detailed analytics. In the future this will include integrating directly with a restaurant’s existing POS system, as well as using iBeacon technology to push special offers to a customer’s phone as they walk through the door. In fact, Settle is actually from the same team behind Advice Wallet, a mobile loyalty program for restaurants that launched last October. Looking further ahead, beyond restaurants and bars, Settle is eyeing up the opportunity to apply its tech to gas stations, where, in many parts of Eastern Europe, people are currently forced to queue and pay a cashier in-person. I’m told other potential markets also include taxis and retail.