Interesting question right? This article starts to ask the question by re-telling some of the problems founders in the sharing economy have bumped into when trying to insure stuff they share.
"I literally looked at him and started laughing and said, 'No one is going to insure this,'” she says. "There’s too many variables. I don’t know who’s using the vehicles. I don’t know when these cars are going to be used. What happens if someone is sharing the car and then it gets stolen? Who’s responsible?” In the end, Hunter says, she was able to find a policy that worked for the car sharing service, as well as others. Now, she says the sharing industry is a niche she specializes in, as well as other, equally risky to insure industries - like fertility. But she notes that calculating rates for policies and deductibles for businesses like these can be complicated. Just imagine a possible scenario, says Ted Devine, CEO of Insureon, an online broker specializing in small businesses, many of which share. “You’re an independent programmer; you run into your Uber car; you forget your laptop," he says.