Gemalto built a few of these for a bank in the Middle East a few years back.. They came complete with an ATM in the back!
For the UK's urban-dwelling, short-of-time majority, mobile banking is something that usually comes in the shape of a smartphone app. But ever since crofters on the Isle of Lewis first encountered it in 1946, mobile banking has also had another manifestation, in the form of a bank on wheels. At that time the crofters found it hard to reach the main town, Stornoway, as they were too busy weaving tweed. Instead the bank would travel to them. But nearly 70 years on, as the popularity - and the affordability - of High Street branches dwindles, mobile banks could be coming into their own. So when Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) announced the closure of 44 branches earlier this month, it also announced it was buying five new mobile branches. It is adding three new routes for the vans, two in Scotland and one in Wales.