HBS Prof. Clayton Christensen is best known for his widespread study of innovation in commercial enterprises. His first book, The Innovator's Dilemma, articulated his theory of how large companies (generally) can't innovate their way out of a wet paper bag. Intuit, however are regarded as a different beast. They are recognized as having been somewhat successful at innovating inside the enterprise. Adam Penenberg (Pando Daily) recently caught up with the Vice President of the Intuit Labs Incubator to see if he could figure out how they do it..
If you were asked to compile a list of the most innovative corporations, it might not occur to you to include a tax, accounting, and finance software provider. But few companies have embraced the art of the startup within a large organization better than Intuit. The makers of TurboTax and QuickBooks have created a work environment that rewards employees for thinking and acting like entrepreneurs. What’s more, it has been tapping the collective wisdom of the crowd for insights and ideas that have led to new and successful products.