Scary picture, but some interesting tech that pattern-matches the blood vessels within the sclera to verify it's you!
Banking is now in the eye of the beholder. That’s literally for EyeVerify. This new kind of ID verification tech lets you simply hold your smartphone about 8 inches from your face and take a picture of your eyeball. EyeVerify then pattern-matches the blood vessels within the sclera, the white part of your eye, to unlock your bank account. This eliminates any possibility of a hacker getting into your account and using your PIN or password to steal from you. EyeVerify is also now flush with what they are calling a second Series A. Wells Fargo Bank and others, including Sprint and Chinese internet security company Qihoo 360 announced today that they have poured $6 million into the eyeball selfie for banking company. The participation of Qihoo 360, Sprint and other mobile partners was unveiled in the Wall Street Journal last month but now Wells Fargo has put some skin in the game and helped close the round.