It launches tomorrow (10.20.14), but you have to ask - Will consumers find Apple Pay handy enough to convert from credit and debit cards?
I recently bought a cup of coffee, but I did not have any cash handy. I used a credit card, and the result was a veritable dystopia that will surely haunt my sleep forever. First, I had to reach into my back pocket and remove my leather wallet. Then I had to pick out a plastic card, taking care not to pull out my driver’s license or Metro fare card. Somehow I managed to succeed on the first try. Then I swiped my credit card on a device positioned near the cash register. (Should the magnetic strip face right or left? That was my horrific choice.) Then I returned the plastic card to my wallet and went on with my day, scarred yet unbroken. I understand my credit card company will be including the $2.25 I owe them for that coffee on some sort of invoice later in the month, the receipt of which will surely will be yet another brutal reminder of the burdens of that day.