Another good artcile putting Apple Pay into perspective. Food trucks and startups that rely on Square or Amazon or PayPal to accept credit cards, won't be able to use Apple Pay. Those systems "aren't equipped to process NFC payments.
220,000 versus 9 million. That’s the number of U.S. retailers where you can use Apple Pay starting in October, versus the number of places where you can currently use a credit or debit card. In other words, Apple Pay isn’t going to work at 97.6 percent of the places where you can shop in this country - and retailers aren’t exactly rushing to embrace the newest technology. Best Buy, for example, has installed the digital scanners that its checkout clerks would need to scan your iPhone 6 - but "switched them off in 2011 because the cost of supporting the platform was too high" and "has no plans to change course following Apple's announcement," the Journal reported.