Over half of the customer traffic to the website of John Lewis, the UK department store chain, comes from mobile devices, overtaking PCs for the first time. Other metrics show late night (midnight to 6am) purchases have grown 31% over the past year - men buy formal wear between 1am - 2am whilst women shop for shoes and handbags between 5am and 7am!
According to the second annual John Lewis Retail Report, which analysed its own customer transactions over a year to July 2014, the convenience of mobile shopping also encourages customers to make purchases in the early hours. Online sales between the hours of midnight and 6am rose by almost a third (31%) over the past year, Marketing Magazine reported, although 70% of all sales still take place in physical stores. Looking at these overnight purchases in closer detail, men tend to log on to buy formalwear between 1am and 2am while parents shop for nursery items at about 4am. Meanwhile, women shop for shoes and handbags between 5am and 7am.