As noted by Gizmodo this slightly awkward solution to get rid of your financial plastic comes courtesy of PayPal and Pebble, provided you own a Pebble smartwatch, have a PayPal account, and shop at stores that take PayPal.
Did you know the infamous calculator watch has been around since the 1970s? It’s safe to say smartwatches have come a long way since then. And we’re excited to be part of that. At PayPal, we’re working to make shopping easy and seamless so that you are one step closer to walking into a store and being able to place your order and pay without ever reaching into your pocket. So today, we’re sharing that the PayPal app is now available for Pebble. With the PayPal app, Pebblers are able to check-in to pay or pay with payment code at numerous retailers, restaurants and other local businesses accepting PayPal. You can also receive payment notifications while on-the-go through our app – without taking out your phone.