This space is starting to feel crowded in the US and we are not sure we would pay $5 to use the app (we haven't tried). Lots of big name backers attached to this deal.
Co-founder and CEO Greg Hong noted that despite the app’s name, it doesn’t just handle reservations. It takes care of payment, too, using the credit card information that you’ve entered into the app. That can save you an awkward wait at the end of your meal — and Hong said that even when you don’t have to wait a million years for your check, all the social cues around fighting over the bill and filling out the tip can take “a delightful experience” and make it “very transactional.” (Plus, adding a bill-splitting feature is at the top of the team’s to-do list.) At launch, Reserve was available in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. Since then, it launched in San Francisco, added more restaurants (bringing the total to more than 110), and released its Android app just last week.