58 tornado touch downs, historic flooding in the north of England, the Mississippi Valley and European windstorms called Desmond and Frank all contributed to one of the largest single month catastrophe insurance and reinsurance loss bills in recent times.
The report suggests that preliminary estimates show total economic losses from the U.S. severe weather events, which saw at least 58 tornado touch-downs, historic flooding in the Mississippi Valley and Midwest, and record snowfall and ice, as well as hail and damaging winds, during December will exceed $4.0 billion, with insured losses likely to approach or exceed $2.0 billion. The Insurance Council of Texas reported losses of $1.2 billion in the Dallas metropolitan region alone. Meanwhile in Europe, windstorms Ted and Eckard – known locally as Desmond and Frank – brought even more flooding and wind damage with the UK hardest hit. A large area of southern Scotland, northern England, and Wales, saw thousands of homes endured varying levels of flood inundation.