Mt. Gox still seems to be a venue for scams long since it's demise. The amount that people around the world claim they lost when Mt. Gox went bust is $2.4 trillion, about 26,500 times as much as the Mt. Gox estate has, and about 340 times as much as the value of all the bitcoins in the world.
Japanese government officials have still given few indications of what they think happened to the missing money. A Tokyo computer security company, WizSec, has published reports on its own private investigation of the money using the blockchain ledger on which all Bitcoin transactions are recorded. WizSec has said it appears that Bitcoins began disappearing from Mt. Gox back in 2011 and continued being transferred out of the exchange in small amounts over time. The researchers believe that the thief altered Mt. Gox’s internal records so that Mr. Karpeles did not realize the money was gone. “