Russia based Blackmoon Crypto has raised $30m in one day through an Initial Coin Offering. Blackmoon Crypto touts itself as “a one-stop solution for asset managers to create and manage legally-compliant tokenized funds.”
The startup also raised $10 million through a pre-order campaign which started on August 5. This brings the whole amount raised to some $30 million, secured in Bitcoin (1,147), Ethereum (73,093), and Litcoin (32,914). Overall, 9,500 paid accounts contributed to the campaign, the company has indicated. The holders of the Blackmoon Crypto tokens (BMC tokens) will be able to register as “continuous contributors” to the platform and receive a share of all the funds that will operate on the platform. “Continuous contributors” will also have the right to participate in members-only discussions regarding the platform’s strategy and development plan.