Mastercard and Visa won't be processing payments for Pornhub anymore, with the two payments giants citing reports of the numerous videos posted on the site of sexual assault of minors. Mastercard said it would be permanently end the use of its cards on the sex video site after the report came out and was confirmed, while Visa said it would be suspending the payments until an investigation was completed.
Mastercard announced it was “reviewing ties” with the site after the NYT article, written by Pulitzer Price-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof, called out several payments companies for allowing payments to Pornhub even in spite of the illegal content there while PayPal had banned the payments. “And call me a prude, but I don’t see why search engines, banks or credit card companies should bolster a company that monetizes sexual assaults on children or unconscious women,” he wrote in the piece. “If PayPal can suspend cooperation with Pornhub, so can American Express, Mastercard and Visa.”