News by FinTech Collective

News by FinTech Collective

News by FinTech Collective Archive

Method raises $41.5m in Series B funding

Austin based debt repayment infrastructure startup raised $41.5m in Series B funding led by Emergence Capital.

"Consumers do not have to re-authenticate multiple times for different accounts, and once Method retrieves a consumer’s liabilities, they...…

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9fin raises $50m in Series B funding

London based analytics platform for debt capital markets raised $50m in Series B funding led by Highland Europe.

“Debt markets are the biggest overlooked asset class in the world and yet they still rely on technology and information sources straight...…

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Lendo raises $28 in Series B funding

Saudi Arabia based debt crowdfunding marketplace raised $28m in Series B funding led by Sanabil Investments.

“Currently, and for the next two years, our primary focus is on the Saudi Arabian market, given its status as the largest market in the...…

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