A free and open internet is the better side of the coin for anyone looking to innovate in the financial space. To steal a line from USV, the internet is where the LittleCos can challenge the BigCos on equal footing. Net Neutrality aims to keep it that way. I am just looking forward to my House of Cards binge being completely uninterrupted.
This is a victory for free speech, plain and simple. Americans use the internet not just to work and play, but to discuss politics and learn about the world around them. The FCC has a critical role to play in protecting citizens' ability to see what they want and say what they want online, without interference. Title II provides the firmest possible foundation for such protections. We are still sifting through the full details of the new rules, but the main point is that the Internet, the primary place where Americans exercise their right to free expression, remains open to all voices and points of view.